ASFAAG 5th Annual Conference
21st - 23rd July 2025, University of Westminster, London, UK
Theme: Green Finance and Accounting - The Role of Innovation, FinTech, and AI in Delivering Net Zero
Submission Deadline: 15th May 25
Notification of Review Results: 30th May 25
Registration Deadline: 30th June 25
We are pleased to announce that our ASFAAG 5th Annual Conference will be held between 21st and 23rd of July 2025 in London, UK. The theme of the conference is "Green Finance and Accounting - The Role of Innovation, FinTech, and AI in Delivering Net Zero".
The fifth annual conference of ASFAAG aims to bring academics, practitioners and policy makers under one platform to initiate a debate on the role of accounting, finance, and governance in the net zero era. We are inviting papers under the following sub-themes:
• Innovation, FinTech, and AI in the Net Zero Era
• Sustainable Finance
• Economic, Social and Governance (ESG)
• Green Banking
• Sustainability Reporting and Financial Integrity
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure
• Sustainable Public Sector Governance
• The UN SDGs and Sustainable Finance
• Global Reporting Initiative & Integrated Reporting
• IFRS and Sustainability Reporting Standards
• Sustainable Corporate Governance
• Climate-related Financial Disclosure
• Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
• Net Zero Emissions and Productivity
• Sustainable Auditing & Taxation
• Multi-Stakeholder Corporations in Achieving SDGs
• Responsible Business Practices and SDGs
• Responsible Banking and UN Financial Initiative
• Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Blue Banking
• Deforestation, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, and Sustainability
• Extinction Accounting Framework and Conservation
• Environmental Committees and Climate Change
• Environmental Activist/Civil Society Presence in Boards
• Inclusion, Employee Welfare, and Diversity and Employee Representation in the Boardroom
• Gender Diversity/Equality and Gender Pay Gap
• Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Modern Slavery
• Outsourcing CO2 Emissions to the Developing Countries
• Financial Innovation and Sustainability
• Other areas of Accounting, Finance, & Governance

Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance
ASFAAG (Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance) is a not-for-profit community interest organization which is indented to work for the benefit of the local, national and international community and society at large. Our head office is located at Sheffield in the United Kingdom. Our executive committee comprises of top academic scholars from different regions of the United Kingdom. Our main objective is to strive for bringing sustainable and responsible business practices in the corporate world.
To create a platform for academics, students, practitioners, regulators, policymakers, environmental groups, and people from all backgrounds for debating and discussing issues surrounding sustainability and responsible business practices.
Enlightening the role of sustainable finance, accounting, accountability and governance in producing responsible business practices and organizational sustainability.